November 20, 2011

Pizza Party!

I had a vegan pizza party a couple weeks ago in honor of World Vegan Day and showed the movie A Peaceable Kingdom.  The pizza was a hit (thanks to my friend Anna and her husband Sean for the recipe-- and to my awesome husband Macy for making most of it) and I think the movie touched everyone.  We contemplated showing Earthlings, but that movie is pretty heavy... A Peaceable Kingdom was still moving, but not so graphic and violent. I think the vegan/non vegan crowd was about half and half- and while none of the non-vegans (to my knowledge) have started eating less meat, I think it was still a great educational opportunity.  Here are some pictures from the night :)

1 comment:

Pippens Wilshire said...

You seem to have a lot of fun and and nice friends. The premises also look very cool, just as I want to live - what kind of building is it?